Keystone XL Pipeline

Daines, Risch: Biden Administration Report Admits Cancelling Keystone XL Pipeline Killed Thousands of Jobs, Cost Billions

U.S. SENATE – Senators Steve Daines (Mont.) and Jim Risch (Idaho) today issued the following statements in response to the Biden administration releasing a past-due report demanded by the two senators and required by law that had the administration give a detailed account of the effects of its decision to cancel construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. President Biden revoked the cross-border operation permit for the project the first day he took office. The report released by the U.S. Department of Energy states the Keystone XL pipeline would have created between 16,000 and 59,000 jobs and would have had a positive economic impact of between $3.16 and $9.6 billion. “The Biden administration finally owned up to what we have known

Daines Discusses Impacts of Cancelling Keystone XL, Irresponsible Forest Management at Senate Hearing

U.S. SENATE – At a U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee hearing today, U.S. Senator Steve Daines questioned Alberta Premier Jason Kenney on the widespread effects of the Biden administration’s cancellation of the Keystone XL Pipeline on energy security, the economy and the United States’ relationship with Canada. Click HERE to watch and download  “Premier, you know better than most what the Keystone XL Pipeline meant for jobs, revenue and energy security…That’s why Alberta filed a suit against the United States seeking $1.3B in damages. Let me just read a line from that filing: The Biden Administration’s decision to revoke the Keystone XL Pipeline

Daines to Biden: Restart the Keystone XL Pipeline Immediately

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today is calling on the Biden administration to immediately reauthorize construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. “President Biden set us on a dangerous path when he decided to kill the Keystone XL pipeline on Day One in office,” Daines said. “What’s happening in Russia and Europe is a stark reminder of the need to support American energy development, not hinder it. Energy security is national security, and a global energy dominant America is a safer world. Biden must restart the Keystone XL pipeline now.” Background: Daines has been leading the fight in the U.S. Senate to support made

Daines Demands Answers after Biden Fails to Provide Required Report of Jobs Lost from Killing the Keystone XL Pipeline

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines sent a letter to the Biden administration demanding answers about the now outstanding Keystone XL Pipeline jobs loss report, which was due to Congress on Sunday, February 13th, 2022.  “At the time of its closure, the Keystone XL Pipeline project was already under construction and employed more than 1,500 workers. By the end of 2021, the Keystone XL pipeline was projected to provide approximately 11,000 jobs. The closure erased thousands of real, high-paying jobs and approximately $800 million in wages,” Daines wrote. “Significant prospective spending for rural communities, small businesses and tax revenue for local

Daines: Biden at Fault for Keystone XL Pipeline Project Officially Being Pulled

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today issued the following statement after the company backing the Keystone XL pipeline was forced to officially pull the plug on the project. Daines stressed this is a direct result from President Biden nixing the project on Day One of taking office, when he rescinded the permit needed to continue cross border construction.  “This is devastating news for our economy, jobs, environment and national security—and its entirely President Biden’s fault. It’s beyond clear that President Biden is beholden to extreme environmentalists, and Montanans and the American people are bearing the burden. While President Biden killed

Daines: Keystone XL Vital Infrastructure for Rural, Eastern Montana

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines is continuing his push to pressure the Biden Administration to reauthorize the Keystone XL pipeline. At a Senate committee hearing, Daines emphasized the jobs and tax revenue the Keystone XL pipeline would bring to rural communities in Eastern Montana. To watch and download the Senator’s remarks click HERE. “I just spent time in Eastern Montana, hearing from community leaders, businesses, and Montanans about the impact of President Biden’s day one decision to kill the Keystone XL Pipeline,” Daines said. “The Keystone XL project would have provided $80 Million to rural communities, provided stable local revenue for years, and created

Daines Statement on Keystone XL Pipeline Lawsuit

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines issued the below statement regarding Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen’s announcement to pursue legal action against the Biden administration for revoking the permit for construction on the Keystone XL pipeline.  “President Biden decided to ignore science, ignore our rural communities and instead side with environmental activists and shut down construction on the Keystone XL pipeline,” Daines stated. “This Day One action has already cost hardworking Americans their jobs and will cause Montana to lose out on over $60 million in tax revenue. I’m glad to stand with Attorney General Knudsen in support of the Keystone XL pipeline and thankful for

What They Are Saying: Montana Leaders Rally Against Rep. Haaland’s Nomination to DOI

U.S. SENATE – This week, several Montana leaders across the state have sent statements in opposition to President Biden’s Interior Secretary nominee Rep. Deb Haaland. Montana leaders have thanked Daines for his work highlighting concerns about Haaland’s radical views and ideological agenda that will impact the Montana way of life.  Statements Opposing Rep. Haaland’s Nomination:  “My concern with Rep. Haaland lies solely with her stances on numerous issues that are at odds with our Montana way of life. From Second Amendment rights to energy development to grizzly bears and agriculture, Rep. Haaland’s positions don’t line up with Montana’s priorities. I agree that it’s past time for

Daines to Senate Democrats on Passage of Keystone Amendment: Amendment Vote is Great, Time to Cosponsor My Bill and Let’s Authorize It

U.S. SENATE – Following passage of his amendment showing support for the Keystone XL pipeline, U.S. Senator Steve Daines today called on his Democratic colleagues to join his legislation to authorize its construction.   “I’m glad to see my amendment in support of the Keystone XL pipeline pass the Senate. To the Senate Democrats who voted yes, your support can’t stop here. Now it’s time to cosponsor my bill to authorize the project. Montana and our country need this pipeline. Our workers need this pipeline. Americans have already been given the pink slip. Their paychecks—gone. Let’s pass my bill and get it done,”