Daines and Tester Lead Bipartisan Resolution Demanding Russia Release Unjustly Detained American Marc Fogel

Montana Senators recently met with Fogel’s family, pledged to keep fighting to bring him home

(U.S. Senate) — U.S. Senators Steve Daines and Jon Tester today joined with a bipartisan group of colleagues to introduce a resolution calling for the immediate release of Marc Fogel from Russia. Fogel is a U.S. citizen and career educator who has been unjustly imprisoned by Russia since August 2021. The resolution urges the Biden Administration to prioritize securing the release of Mr. Fogel, whose immediate family resides in Montana, and all other U.S. citizens and permanent residents who are wrongfully detained by Russia.

“Marc Fogel has spent years as a teacher shaping the next generation of leaders and this week is his 62nd birthday, but instead of celebrating with his friends and family, Marc will be spending it unjustly detained in a Russian labor camp,” Daines said. “I’ve worked closely with Marc’s family, former Ambassador McFaul and my colleagues in the Senate to urge the Biden administration to do everything they can to bring him home safely and I won’t stop until he is released.”

“Marc Fogel has been unjustly imprisoned in Russia for too long, and I continue to call on the Administration to secure his return,” Tester said. “I recently met with Marc’s family and I pledged to keep pushing to bring him home. I won’t rest until this innocent American is reunited with his loved ones.”  

Daines and Tester have been leading the push to secure Mr. Fogel’s release and reunite him with his loved ones. Last August, Daines and Tester sent a letter to Secretary Blinken urging the State Department to designate Mr. Fogel as “wrongfully detained,” so his case can get the appropriate attention from U.S. officials.