Daines Statement on SCOTUS’ Decision to End Biden’s Unconstitutional Student Loan Bailout

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement in response to the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the Biden administration’s student loan bailout.  

“Today’s Supreme Court ruling rejecting President Biden’s student loan bailout is a victory for hard-working American taxpayers and the rule of law in America. At its core, this bailout was one of the most extreme examples of executive overreach in history. The President himself even said he wasn’t sure he had the power to forgive $400 billion in student loan relief. 

“For too long Democrats from the White House to Congress have invented and abused absurd claims of executive power to force their unsolicited liberal agenda on the American people while knowing their agenda couldn’t pass through the normal legislative process. Thanks to this and other recent rulings from the Supreme Court those days are coming to an end and that is a victory for Montanans.”


U.S. Senator Steve Daines voted to block the Biden administration’s unconstitutional and irresponsible student loan bailout through a Congressional Review Act (CRA) joint resolution of disapproval. Full text of the resolution can be found HERE.

Senator Daines co-sponsored the resolution in the Senate with 46 of his Republican colleagues. 

In February, he joined his colleagues in sending an amicus brief to the Supreme Court objecting the Biden administration’s student loan cancellation policy.