Daines Demands Clarity on Pentagon’ Drag Show Policy

Sends Letter to Defense Secretary Austin Asking for Official Pentagon Policy

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today sent a letter to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin demanding answers on the Pentagon’s policy pertaining to drag shows on military bases.

On March 31, 2023, I wrote your office because I was alarmed to find out a ‘Drag Story Hour’ for children was held on Malmstrom Air Force Base in Great Falls, Montana…There was no indication in your department’s [response] that the Pentagon disapproves of such activity. In fact, the letter could be construed as an endorsement of such action. This further alarmed me and is the reason I sent a response asking for clarification and also introduced legislation to stop the DoD from using taxpayer funds or taxpayer-funded facilities from hosting drag queen performances…However, according to press reports on May 30, 2023, a drag show hosted at Nellis Air Force base was canceled due to pressure from Defense Department leadership,” Daines’ letter reads.

The U.S. military’s active engagement in, and support for, divisive political and ideologically-driven issues weakens cohesion and morale and further degrades the recruitment and retention of the men and women serving our country in uniform. In doing so, these policies undermine the core mission of our military and constitute poor judgment by supportive military leaders,” Daines’ letter continues.

See the full letter Daines sent Pentagon leadership HERE.

Since the “Drag Story Time” that took place on Malmstrom Air Force Base was recently uncovered, Daines has led the fight to get answers and hold the administration accountable.

In March, Daines led Congressmen Ryan Zinke (MT-01) and Matt Rosendale (MT-02) in sending a letter to Pentagon leadership demanding answers on how and why this event took place.

Daines also sent a follow up letter to the Pentagon today since initial explanations from the Defense Department were completely inadequate. Read Daines’ letter HERE.

Read more about Daines’ bill to stop the Department of Defense from using taxpayer funds or taxpayer-funded facilities from hosting drag queen performances HERE

Daines wrote an op-ed highlighting the woke policies, including hosting drag shows, that are weakening the military.