Technology & Privacy

The ever-changing growth of technology continues to enhance how we communicate with one another and we must ensure that Americans are protected each and every step of the way. At the same time, we must stand united against Washington D.C.’s attempts to tax the Internet, limit innovation, and put more senseless regulations on Montana-based small businesses. 

The Internet is a laboratory of innovation for Montana small businesses – yet Washington D.C. wants to tie our entrepreneurs’ hands by forcing them to collect internet sales taxes for 9,600 different tax jurisdictions, rather than focusing their time and energy on growing their business and creating jobs. 

Technology has removed geography as a constraint and has allowed us to grow more good-paying jobs that allow Montanans to stay in the state we love. Yet we must not forget about our rural and underserved communities in Montana. While we continue to innovate, we must work to ensure that all Montanans have access to technology, by increasing their access to rural broadband. 


Daines Announces Landmark Funding for Montana Headwaters Hub

Daines’ “Endless Frontier Act” Helps Montana Secure more than $40 Million, Further Strengthening Montana’s Leadership in the Tech Sector U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced that following passage of his bipartisan “Endless Frontier Act,” Montana secured $41 million in funding for the Montana Headwaters Hub, which is led by Accelerate Montana. The “Endless Frontier Act” is helping Montana lead the nation in tech innovation and playing a vital role in helping the United States advance innovation, research and development in the race against China. “Montana is leading the country in tech innovation, which will help us win the race against China,

Daines Introduces Amendment to Prevent Cell Service Loss in Rural Montana Communities

U.S. Senator Steve Daines today introduced an amendment to the foreign aid emergency funding bill that would fully fund the “Rip and Replace” program that would remove Chinese components from the United States’ wireless communications systems. Without full funding, wireless and broadband providers across the United States will be saddled with billions of dollars in costs that could result in service blackouts and companies closing down, including many in eastern Montana. “Wireless security is national security, said Daines. “To that end, removing Chinese telecom equipment from our wireless networks is a matter of national security. Rural providers must have the resources and ability to

Daines Tech Bills One Step Closer to Becoming Law

Bill to Support Multi-Cloud Technology, Bill to Modernize DHS Technology Pass Out of Senate Committee U.S. SENATE – Today two of U.S. Senator Steve Daines’ bipartisan bills passed out of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs. Daines’ “Multi-Cloud Innovation and Advancement Act” modernizes and streamlines the adoption of cloud computing technology in federal agencies and Daines’ “BEST Technology for the Homeland Act” reauthorizes the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to extend its use of a procurement tool for acquiring leading-edge technology. “Ensuring our federal government has access to the latest cutting-edge technology helps bolster our national security, increase efficiency, spur innovation and

Daines Helps Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Reauthorize and Reform Key Surveillance Law, Secure Protections for Montanans’ Rights 

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines helped introduce the “Government Surveillance Reform Act” to establish new safeguards for government surveillance and accountability for abuse, reauthorize and reform FISA section 702, and establish protections for Montanans whose private information is collected under other intelligence authorities. “Americans have a constitutional right to be protected from unreasonable searches and seizures that is nonnegotiable,” said Daines. “As the federal government is increasingly sticking it’s nose into Americans’ private conversations and records, we must put an end to illegitimate searches and protect this fundamental right.” The bill’s reforms include:  A one-page summary of the bill is HERE.

Daines, Rosen Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Promote Next-Gen Cloud Technology

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senators Steve Daines (R-Mont.) and Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.) today introduced the bipartisan “Multi-Cloud Innovation and Advancement Act” to modernize and streamline the adoption of cloud computing technology in federal agencies. “Implementing multi-cloud services will help the federal government keep up with the newest technology and better serve Montanans by increasing efficiency, security and innovation,” Daines said. “With the increase of cyber-theft and hackers stealing American’s personal information, this bill will help ensure that federal agencies have the tools in place to protect Americans’ personal, health and tax information. I’m glad to introduce this bipartisan bill that helps support the modernization of the

Daines, Peters, Marshall’s Bipartisan Bill to Protect the Privacy of Americans Passes U.S. Senate

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senators Steve Daines (R-Mont.), Gary Peters (D-Mich.) and Roger Marshall’s (R-Kans.) bipartisan bill to require U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to remove personally identifiable information (PII), which includes Social Security and passport numbers, from cargo manifests before public disclosure passed the U.S. Senate. “Montanans’ private, personal information should never be jeopardized just because they’re moving or traveling abroad. Safeguarding Americans from identity theft and fraud is a top priority of mine. I’m glad to see my commonsense, bipartisan bill pass the U.S. Senate,” Daines said.  “Identify theft is costly and disruptive to the lives of people in

Daines Cosponsors Bipartisan Bill to Ensure Montana, America Remain Global Leaders in Innovation & Technology, Create High Tech Jobs

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today helped introduce a bipartisan bill, the “Endless Frontier Act,” which is the leading proposal in the U.S. Senate to promote American tech jobs and American innovation, research and development in the race against China. “We must invest in American innovation and technology if we’re going to win the race against China and stay competitive globally in the 21st century. My bipartisan bill will help advance research and create high paying, American tech, energy and manufacturing jobs. It will also advance Montana’s high tech sector and ensure America beats China and remains a global superpower,” Daines said. Senator Daines, an original cosponsor of the bill,

Daines, Kelly Introduce Bipartisan Bill to Increase Broadband Coverage

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senators Steve Daines (R-Mont.) and Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.) today introduced the bipartisan “Accelerating Rural Broadband Deployment Act” to increase access to existing infrastructure that will allow easier and faster installation of broadband services.  “Broadband coverage is essential to rural states like Montana as we work to close the digital divide. It helps support jobs, connects folks in every corner of our state, and makes life easier for working families,” Daines said. “I’m glad to work across the aisle on this commonsense, bipartisan legislation that will help expedite broadband deployment across Montana by capitalizing on existing infrastructure.” “Broadband access is not just about

Daines: Amtrak is Critical for Montana Jobs, Montana Travel Sector

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today cosponsored legislation to restore daily long-distance Amtrak service and reinstate employees who have been furloughed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.  “Amtrak supports Montana jobs, helps connect Montanans across the state and brings visitors from all over the country to Big Sky Country. The Empire Builder is critical to the Hi-Line and I will continue fighting to restore this much needed service,” Daines said.  Read the full text HERE.  Background:  In December, Daines supported the COVID-19 relief package that included $1 billion in emergency funding for Amtrak. In September, Daines sent a letter to Senate leadership to stop