Daines Introduces Bill to Boost Montana Science, Tech Jobs

U.S. Senator Steve Daines today introduced the bipartisan “DOE Quantum Energy Act of 2024” to promote quantum research, development, and jobs in Montana. The bill renews and expands Daines’ “National Quantum Initiative Act of 2018” to ensure that the United States remains the world’s leader in technology and energy security. 

“Our National Quantum Initiative Program is essential in maintaining our position as global leaders in science and technology, and also supports hundreds of Montana jobs,” said Daines.  “I’m glad to work with my colleagues on renewing this bipartisan legislation that will accelerate quantum research, increase our national security, and bolster the economy both in Montana and across the nation.”

Statements of Support:

“The National Quantum Initiative (NQI) Act of 2018 initially enabled America to take the lead in the global quantum race, but this act has expired.  It is essential to reauthorize the NQI to maintain America’s leadership in quantum technology.  The DOE Quantum Leadership Act, proposed by Senator Durbin and Senator Daines, is crucial at this pivotal moment in the global quantum race as quantum technology approaches true end-use applications.  The Montana Photonics & Quantum Alliance wholeheartedly supports the DOE Leadership Act and believes that action is needed now.” – Jason Yager, Executive Director of the Montana Photonics & Quantum Alliance

“The Montana Chamber of Commerce appreciates the bipartisan efforts to further American quantum technologies with the introduction of the Department of Energy (DOE) Quantum Leadership Act. With the widespread impacts of quantum technology across industries, this investment is essential to further quantum research, solidify American quantum companies as world leaders, and tackle complex workforce and commercialization issues within the quantum industry. The bill’s focus on public-private partnerships and emphasis on small to medium quantum businesses will allow all states, including Montana, to benefit from this investment and will build on the good work we’re doing here with the Headwaters Tech Hub.” – Montana Chamber of Commerce CEO Todd O’Hair


The “DOE Quantum Leadership Act” would reauthorize research and development projects through 2029 and was introduced with Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL). 

Read the text of the bill HERE.