Daines’ Bipartisan Bill to Protect Young Montanans’ Privacy Online Passes U.S. Senate

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today applauded passage of a bipartisan package that will safeguard minors using online platforms, provide parental control tools and create disclosure requirements for platforms on the harms potentially faced by users. Daines helped introduce the “Kids Online Safety Act,” and has been working on this issue since he first introduced the bipartisan “Safeguarding American Families from Exposure by Keeping Information and Data Secure (SAFE KIDS) Act” in 2015.

Download a video statement HERE.

“As the father of four and grandfather of six, I’m glad to see the Senate pass my bill to ensure that our children’s privacy and safety is protected as technology and social media platforms rapidly evolve. We must put power back in the hands parents and ensure they and their children have the tools they need to keep safe while online,” Daines said.

The “Kids Online Safety Act” will require onlineplatforms to enable the strongest privacy settings by default, force platforms to prevent and mitigate specific dangers to minors, provide parents and educators new controls to help protect children, and require independent audits and research into social media companies.

Daines first introduced the “SAFE KIDS Act” in 2015, and he spoke on the Senate floor about the importance of the bill in 2018.


Contact: Matt Lloyd, Rachel Dumke