Daines: Latest EPA Mandate Yet Another Attempt by Administration to Force its Green Agenda into Every Area of Our Lives

U.S. Senator Steve Daines issued the following statement today on the Biden administration’s latest EPA rule on tailpipe emissions from passenger cars and light and medium trucks, which will mandate more production of electric vehicles:

“The heavy hand of Joe Biden’s administration continues its assault on working families in Montana and across the country. Make no mistake, this is yet another attempt by the administration to force its green agenda into every area of our lives. To achieve what the Biden administration is proposing, car manufacturers will be forced to make more electric vehicles and will pass the costs on to consumers in the form of overpriced cars and trucks. Montanans know these vehicles won’t work in Montana’s winters and they also know they will probably run out of power and won’t be able to find a charging station. The administration needs to end its infatuation with the green dream that continues to hurt middle class families and limit consumer choice.”