Daines, Zinke Lead Letter with Tester, Rosendale to Congressional Leadership in Support of Bill to Name Butte VA Clinic in Honor of Montana Hero Charlie Dowd, Montana’s Last Pearl Harbor Survivor

U.S. Senator Steve Daines and Congressman Ryan Zinke (MT-01) today organized and led a letter to Senate and House leadership in support of his legislation that would rename the VA Outpatient Clinic in Butte, MT, in honor of Charlie Dowd, Montana’s last Pearl Harbor survivor who passed away in March 2023. Senator Jon Tester and Congressman Matt Rosendale (MT-02) joined Daines and Zinke in sending the letter.

“We write to you today in support of S. 2385, a bill to rename the VA Outpatient Clinic in Butte, Montana, to the “Charlie Dowd VA Clinic” – out of remembrance to Montana’s last Pearl Harbor Survivor who unfortunately passed away in March 2023.

“Charlie fought valiantly at Pearl Harbor—emerging from the barracks in only his night clothes, grabbing a Springfield rifle, and attempting to down the attacking enemy aircraft. After Pearl Harbor, Charlie continued a distinguished career in the U.S. Navy, serving in the Solomon Islands and New Guinea, earning seven Bronze Star Medals.

“Upon leaving military service, Charlie would go on to start a family and build a successful career in Montana. He remained committed to caring for his fellow veterans as an active member of the Pearl Harbor Survivors Association. He was dedicated to preserving the memory of World War II and those who paid the ultimate sacrifice in defense of freedom. Charlie was a true patriot whose legacy lives on in the hearts and minds of all who knew him.

“While we can never fully repay Charlie’s service to our state and this country, renaming this VA facility in Butte in his honor would be a step in the right direction.”

Download the letter HERE.

Daines introduced the bill to rename the clinic after Charlie Dowd in November 2023.

Congressman Zinke introduced the companion bill in the House of Representatives in February.