Daines Introduces Bill to Use Iranian Assets to Rebuild Israel after Hamas Attacks 

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines introduced the “Fortify Israel Act” to reallocate the $6 billion of frozen Iranian assets into an account for Israel to utilize for defense purposes. 

“As the Iranian-backed terror group Hamas continues its barbaric attacks against the Israeli people, the United States must stand firmly by our biggest ally in the Middle East,” Daines said. “The United States must not only restrict Iran’s access to Biden’s $6 billion ransom payment but also repurpose those funds to help Israel recover from these horrific actions.”

This bill also ensures that other frozen Iranian assets outside the $6 billion cannot be released or mobilized until the President certifies to Congress that:

  1. Hostilities between Hamas and other Iranian-backed groups and Israel have ceased;
  2. Full compensation has been made to Israel for harms resulting from the barbaric attack of Israel by Hamas and other Iranian-backed groups;
  3. Iran is participating in a genuine international mechanism that, by agreement, will discharge the obligations of Iran to compensate Israel for all amounts determined to be owed to Israel.

Text of the bill may be found HERE.

To see more of Daines’ work supporting our ally Israel, click HERE.