Daines Presses Biden’s Banking Nominee Omarova Over Extreme Ideals, Record

At a U.S. Senate Banking hearing today, Senator Steve Daines called out President Biden’s nominee to be the nation’s top banking regulator, Saule Omarova, for her extreme record, like her aspiration to effectively end banking as we know it, calls for the government to bankrupt oil and gas companies and idea to place government officials on the boards of private companies. 


To watch Daines’ opening remarks, click HERE.

“Professor Omarova’s extreme views on energy, her desire to nationalize retail banking, place government officials on private company boards, have the government set price controls on food, gas, and other everyday goods, and her hostility toward innovation in the digital currency space are just a few of the reasons that Montanans and Americans should be very concerned with this radical nomination,” Daines said. “The fact that President Biden would even make such a nomination further solidifies just how radically liberal and out of the mainstream his views are.”

When Daines questioned Omarova over her past calls for federal government employees to be placed on the boards of private companies, a radical idea for a capitalist country, it came to a spicy exchange between the two where Omarova tried to lay blame on Margaret Thatcher. Watch and download the remarks HERE.  

He then pressed the nominee over her suggestion that the government should step in to force small oil, gas, and coal companies, like those in Montana, to go bankrupt, killing the jobs they support and our energy security. Watch and download the remarks HERE.

Forty-one state banking associations, including the Montana Independent Bankers, oppose Omarova’s nomination. Read their letter HERE.


 Contact: Katherine McKeoghKatie Schoettler