Daines Introduces Bill to Provide Certainty for Montana Farmers, Ranchers

U.S. SENATE– U.S. Senator Steve Daines introduced a bill to maintain President Trump’s Navigable Waters Protection Rule (NWPR) and prevent a return to burdensome regulations like those imposed by the Obama-Biden Waters of the U.S. Rule (WOTUS), which threatened Montana farmers and ranchers.

“Montana farmers and ranchers are longstanding stewards of our lands and waterways—they shouldn’t be burdened with more bureaucratic red-tape that would allow the federal government to regulate every pond, puddle, or ditch,” Daines said. 

Read the bill text HERE.


Senator Daines has been a strong supporter of the NWPR and has often spoken out against the far-reaching, burdensome federal regulations imposed by the 2015 Waters of the United States rule (WOTUS).

On July 12, Daines sent a letter to the Biden administration, urging them to uphold the NWPR.

Earlier this year, Daines introduced a Senate resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the NWPR should not be repealed.


Contact: Katherine McKeoghKatie Schoettler