Daines Helping Lead Effort in U.S. Senate to End Workforce Shortage

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines is leading efforts in the U.S. Senate to help incentivize getting Montanans back to work as the state continues to recover from the pandemic. Daines cosponsored the “Back to Work Bonus Act,” which would give currently unemployed workers who return to work a one-time payment similar to a hiring bonus, and he introduced the “Get Americans Back to Work Act,” which would end the federal unemployment pandemic enhancement payments. 

“Businesses across Montana and the country are struggling to find workers and some are even being forced to close,” Daines said. “We are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel of this pandemic and Montanans can safely return to work. We need to be doing everything we can to incentivize getting back to work, not paying people more to stay home.”   

To download a video statement, click HERE.

The “Back to Work Bonus Act” would:

  • Provide a one-time payment of $1,200 to a newly hired full-time employee and a one-time payment of $600 to a newly hired part-time employee.
  • Accelerate a schedule increase in funding for Reemployment Services and Eligibility Assessments and expands the pool to include works who received Unemployment Assistance.
  • Reinstate job search requirements previously halted by the “CARES Act.” 

For the “Back to Work Bonus Act” full text, click HERE.

The “Get Americans Back to Work Act” would:

  • Roll back pandemic unemployment compensation on May 31 and stop compensation on July 31 rather than September 6.

For the “Get Americans Back to Work Act” full text, click HERE


Senator Daines issued this statement in response to Governor Gianforte’s return-to-work bonus program.