Daines: Biden Putting Saudi Arabia First

Revenue for schools. Revenue for infrastructure. Aside from the short-term construction jobs fueled by the Keystone XL pipeline, there is a reason it enjoys such strong support across Montana.

When Joe Biden halted the Keystone pipeline his first week in office, he also halted American jobs and at least $60 million in revenue that would flow to counties in Eastern Montana every single year. When I caught up with county commissioners in Dawson County (Glendive) several years ago, they estimated the pipeline would bring in $9-$19 million a year just for Dawson County alone.

If Biden’s plans aren’t halted- kiss those jobs and that revenue goodbye. Montana Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) was on Fox News recently. He says Biden showed that he is “putting Saudi Arabia first.”

“It looks like he cares more about workers in Saudi Arabia than the workers in America,” Daines said on “America’s Newsroom.”

“This is going to have a direct effect [on] the pocketbooks of the American people here in the middle of a pandemic.”

Biden isn’t only making us more dependent on Middle Eastern oil, his day one decision to shut down the Keystone pipeline is also a gift to Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has been funneling cash to radical environmental groups lobbying to shutdown projects just like Keystone.

Russia, Russia, Russia. It’s all we seem to hear about from the national media. When it comes to President Trump of course.

So why aren’t we hearing more about this story? According to The Daily Signal, two environmental groups, which are also very active in Montana (the Sierra Club and the Natural Resources Defense Council), are being funded by the Russians.

Here’s an excerpt from this new report posted by The Heritage Foundation’s DailySignal.com:

Two environmental advocacy groups that successfully lobbied against fracking in New York each received more than $10 million in grants from a foundation in California that got financial support from a Bermuda company congressional investigators linked to the Russians, public documents show.

“Follow the money trail, and this [New York] ban on fracking could be viewed as an example of successful Russian espionage,” Ken Stiles, a CIA veteran of 29 years who now teaches at Virginia Tech, told The Daily Signal.”