NSSF Profile Q & A: Republican Montana State Senator Steve Daines

Who introduced you to hunting/shooting sports and at what age?

As a fifth-generation Montanan, hunting has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I started off shooting gophers in Montana when I was eight years old, with a Winchester .22.

Describe your most recent hunting/shooting sports activity? With whom?

Killed a nice buck antelope in October with my 6.5 PRC with 143g Hornady ELDX. Then helped my wife kill a very nice muley with the same gun, a month later.

Describe your favorite shooting sport/hunting activity.

Rifle hunting for antelope, deer, and elk in Montana, with my wife and children.

What’s your favorite gun to hunt with?

6.5 PRC with Nightforce scope.

What’s your favorite hunting story?

Seeing my 16-year old daughter kill a nice 5×5 mule deer with one shot.

What recent legislation related to the sportsmen industry is particularly important to you and why?

The “Great American Outdoors Act” (now law) which expanded public access to public lands for sportsmen.