MT senators release statements following vote to advance Amy Coney Barrett toward final confirmation

HELENA- Montana’s senators have released statements following the senate’s vote to advance Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett toward final confirmation.

Senator Jon Tester released the following statement on the procedural vote to begin debate on the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett:

“Montanans are already voting in this election, and I believe it is deeply irresponsible to ram a partisan nomination through in the final days before polls close—a precedent my Republican colleagues established four years ago and are breaking now. With health coverage for 120 million Americans with pre-existing conditions soon to be decided by the Court, I cannot support Judge Barrett’s nomination because I do not believe we should be confirming a Supreme Court Justice, no matter who that is, before the American people have a chance to make their voices heard.”

A release from Senator Tester says he repeatedly requested a meeting with Judge Barrett before making his decision on her nomination and that the White House did not make Barret available for a phone call or meeting with Senator Tester.

A release from Senator Steve Daines says he voted yes on the procedural vote to advance Barrett’s nomination. 

Daines released the following excerpts from his remarks in a release:

“Judge Barrett’s qualifications and character are indisputable… 

“Judge Barrett believes judges shouldn’t legislate from the bench… 

“She won’t misuse her power as a judge to impose her policy preferences… 

“And she won’t twist the original—and true—meaning of the Constitution to advance a political agenda – of any kind…

“Judge Barrett will uphold our cherished constitutional rights, including the Second Amendment…

“Judge Barrett’s strong record in support of the Second Amendment can give every law-abiding Montanan who owns a firearm, full confidence that she will NEVER allow the government to take away our guns…

“She will defend the Constitution and protect our Montana way of life, including our Montana jobs… 

“Judge Barrett will not bend to the radical, fringe groups looking to kill Montana timber and coal jobs…

“She will be a fair-minded justice Montanans can be proud of…

“As a mother of seven children and a “Minivan Mom,” Judge Barrett is an inspiration to professional women, working moms and school-aged girls across Montana, who can feel certain, there is no American Dream that women can’t achieve…

“As U.S. Senator for Montana, supporting Judge Barrett’s confirmation to the Supreme Court is an easy call… 

“She is someone who Montanans will be proud of, and will look up to on the Court…”