President Trump Signs Daines’ Bipartisan Great American Outdoors Act Into Law

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today joined President Trump at the White House for the official signing ceremony of his bipartisan bill, the “Great American Outdoors Act.” Daines’ conservation bill provides full, mandatory funding of the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) and addresses the maintenance backlog facing national parks and public lands.

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“This is a great day for Montana, this is a great day for America and this is a great day for conservation and for all of us who love the great outdoors,” Daines said. “The Great American Outdoors Act is a big win for conservation, it’s a big win for jobs, it’s a big win for our Montana way of life, it’s a big win for bipartisanship. It’s only fitting it took public lands to bring a divided government together. Mr. President, Montana thanks you. America thanks you. I thank you for signing the most important piece of conservation legislation in over 50 years for our great country.”

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To download the full video, click HERE.

At the signing ceremony, President Trump praised Daines’ work on the bill: “Senator Steve Daines, he’s a fantastic man, a fantastic Senator, he’s done a wonderful job. He loves his state and he loves his country…You were unbelievable and you wouldn’t stop and look what happened right. You got it done, we appreciate it and the country appreciates it,” President Trump said.

 GAOA Final 3

To download the full video, click HERE.

Vice President Pence also praised Daines for his leadership on this bipartisan effort: “I also Mr. President want to join you in thanking the visionary leaders of the Senate, Senator Steve Daines, Senator Cory Gardner, we would not be here without your vision for the Great American Outdoors Act. Thank you for helping to preserve our great national heritage,” Vice President Pence said. 

Daines met with President Trump at the White House on February 27th to talk about the importance of LWCF and fixing the maintenance backlog at our national parks and public lands, including showing pictures of Montana LWCF projects and the outdoors. Today, a little over five months later, Daines stood with President Trump as he signed the greatest conservation win in over 50 years into law. 

Two months ago, Daines secured a successful vote to advance his bipartisan bill, the “Great American Outdoors Act,” in the U.S. Senate.

In February, Daines met with President Trump and Leader McConnell to highlight the importance of these conservation priorities for Montana. During the meeting, President Trump agreed to support and sign Daines’ legislation into law.

Daines’ work on the “Great American Outdoors Act” has received significant support from public lands advocates, outdoor enthusiasts, sportsmen and women, local officials and outdoor organizations in Montana and across the country including: National Park Foundation, Trout Unlimited, The Nature Conservancy, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, and Montana Outfitters and Guides Association.

For statements of supports, click HERE.


Daines’ “Great American Outdoors Act” requires full, mandatory funding of LWCF at $900 million. Daines’ bill also helps fix the $11.9 billion maintenance backlog facing national parks across the nation, including over $700 million in Glacier and Yellowstone National Parks. 

For more information on the actions Senator Daines has taken defending our public lands and Montana way of life click, HERE.
