Daines: Montana’s Wilderness Shouldn’t Be Used as a Playground for the Rich & Famous

U.S. SENATE – U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced he will be introducing a bill that would increase the penalties for landing any unauthorized aerial vehicles on designated wilderness areas in national forests. His bill will raise the maximum penalty to $20,000.

“Montana’s wilderness shouldn’t be taken advantage of and exploited as a playground for the rich and famous,” Daines said. “Montanans value wilderness for the solitude it provides and the adventure that is involved to travel to so many beautiful locations. My bill will make folks with a deep pocket think twice before entering our pristine wilderness areas unlawfully.”

A few weeks ago, a Bozeman man landed his helicopter in the Bob Marshall Wilderness and was fined the maximum penalty of $500.

Senator Daines will continue to defend Montana’s public lands, ensuring that no matter how famous or how big someone’s checkbook is, they will not have better access or availability.

To learn more about Senator Daines’ efforts to protect our public lands and promote outdoor recreation, click HERE