Daines Statement on Hoax Device Found at KTVQ

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines issued the following statement on the hoax bomb device found outside of KTVQ News yesterday in Billings, Montana.

“I have contacted KTVQ News Director Jon Stepanek, Billings Chief of Police Rich St. John, U.S. Attorney Kurt Alme, and County Attorney Scott Twito about the hoax device discovered last night outside of KTVQ. I have also requested a briefing from the FBI and will be monitoring the situation as details develop. I am keeping all of those involved in my prayers, and I thank Jon Stepanek for acting swiftly last night and alerting authorities,” Daines said. “The violence in our society must stop. We must remember we are one nation and Americans first. And at a time of divisiveness, we must stand together.”
