U.S. SENATE — Today, the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee passed U.S. Senator Steve Daines’ initiative to quicken the construction of the Butte Veterans home by making sure the VA establishes a deadline for its completion and ensuring the VA properly uses the taxpayer dollars that fund the project.
“Montana veterans have been waiting for too long for a veterans’ home in Butte,” said Daines. “After years of mismanagement and inefficient use of taxpayer dollars, it is time the VA put the shovel in the ground for this project.”
The Committee also passed Daines’ initiative to fully fund the construction of a new facility at the National Guard training center in Malta. The new building will meet the 21st century training requirements needed for the National Guard to train to defend Americans’ national security.
“America’s National Guard members work every day to protect our safety and freedom,” said Daines. “They need access to modern facilities that allow them to train for the threats we face today.”
Daines secured these initiatives in the FY 2019 Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act.
The following Montana priorities were also included in the bill:
- Funding for Suicide Prevention Outreach
These funds will support suicide prevention programs. Montana has one of the highest rates of veteran suicide nationwide.
- Funding for Mental Health
These funds will help treat conditions including PTSD and traumatic brain injury.
- Funding for Female Veteran services
These funds will support female veterans’ healthcare services.
- Funding for Veteran Homeless programs
These funds will support services including, Veterans Treatment Courts, transitional housing, and legal counsel.
- Funding for Electronic Health Record Modernization
This continues Senator Daines’ longstanding work to overhaul and modernize the VA’s record keeping.