Secretary Mnuchin Commits to Daines: Administration Will Not Relax Export Controls on Sales to China, Will Protect Sensitive Technology

U.S. SENATE — During a hearing in the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin committed to U.S. Senator Steve Daines that the Administration will not relax export controls and allow sensitive technologies to be sold that compromise U.S. security when negotiating trade deals with China.

During the hearing, Daines urged to Secretary Mnuchin that it is critical that during these ongoing negotiations with the Chinese the Administration reject any trade proposals with China that would loosen or weaken existing restrictions on the export or transfer of U.S. military technologies and advanced dual-use technologies.

Secretary Mnuchin committed to Daines that those technologies “are absolutely not on the table” for discussion and that the Administration “would in no way look to loosen that.”

China hearing

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“It is critical that during these ongoing negotiations with the Chinese we don’t just view these negotiations as a standard trade dispute but keep in mind China’s strategic approach and long-term goal of becoming the world’s superpower,” said Daines.


Following the congressional delegation trip Daines led to China, Daines published a joint Fox News op-ed with Sens. Chuck Grassley (IA), Ron Johnson (WI) and David Perdue (GA) on both the threats and opportunities America faces when working with and competing against China.


