Montana Ag Groups Endorse Judge Gorsuch

U.S. SENATE —U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced that Judge Neil Gorsuch secured the endorsement from the Montana Farm Bureau, Montana Grain Growers Association, Montana Wool Growers Association and the Montana Stockgrowers Association to be the next U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice. 

Hans McPherson, Montana Farm Bureau Federation President: “MFBF supports Neil Gorsuch for the U.S. Supreme Court because of he respects the law and the Constitution as written. He has the experience necessary to be an excellent justice.  Furthermore, his past decisions show that he will not blindly defer to regulating agencies, but will perform his constitutional role of interpreting the laws that Congress writes.”

Tom Butcher, Montana Grain Growers Association President: “Neil Gorsuch has shown himself to be a fair, independent-minded judge whose experience in the Denver-based 10th Circuit Court of Appeals would add some much needed geographic diversity to the United States Supreme Court. MGGA strongly supports his nomination.” 

Dave McEwen, President of the Montana Wool Growers Association: “The membership of the Montana Wool Growers Association strongly supports the nomination of Neil Gorsuch to serve on the United States Supreme Court. Judge Gorsuch is duly qualified to serve on the court. His judicial record shows both that he will apply the law, not make it from the bench, and that he will follow the Constitution as written. It is time for the US Senate to set political gamesmanship aside, and to get back to acting on behalf of the people they represent. The citizens of Montana will only benefit by having the empty Supreme Court seat filled forthwith and by having it filled with someone who is eminently qualified to fill the role of serving as an impartial arbitrary of justice.” 

Bryan Mussard, President of the Montana Stockgrowers Association: “Montana ranchers support Judge Neil Gorsuch to be placed onto the U.S. Supreme Court. He has demonstrated superb legal acumen, objectivity, and disciplined interpretation of the laws of the United States. We encourage a swift confirmation of Judge Gorsuch by the U.S. Senate.” 

On March 15, 2017, Daines spoke on the Senate floor about the importance of confirming Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. 
