Sidney Herald: Local students ask questions of senator

Sidney High School students received the opportunity to talk with an U.S. senator face to face when U.S. Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., took part in a Skype call on Wednesday afternoon.

Brad Faulhaber, government teacher, said the call was part of the school’s civic engagement’s opportunities beyond the classroom. The classroom consisted of mainly seniors along with a junior and a couple of sophomores.

Daines encouraged students to stay engaged in the political process. “We have an amazing country,” the Republican said.

He also said they should consider being in political service. “I never dreamed I would be doing this job.”

Sidney’s students asked questions on a variety of topics, including some on controversial issues.

When asked what he does to protect women’s reproductive rights, Daines mentioned that he is the father of two daughters and there are many women important in his life. “I’m pro-life. It’s important to protect the most vulnerable — elderly, disabled as well as the unborn.”

Daines said he opposes Montana having a sales tax. “There’s an old saying that you are a native Montanan if you voted against a sales tax twice.”  He added that sales taxes have a history of increasing.

When asked, the senator said he is in favorite of term limits for U.S. senators and representatives. “One of our problems is people staying here too long.” He noted some legislators forget about the people they are there to serve.

He stressed that ISIS needs to be destroyed. “With ISIS, either we win or they win,” Daines said.

Although America is a land of immigrants, Daines said the country needs to be careful about who is coming in for the wrong reasons. Background checks need to be conducted in a right and legal way.

Daines said the military is currently underfunded and the U.S. needs to strengthen its military.

He feels the Affordable Care Act should be repealed. He said states should be allowed to work on a better solution.