Tester, Daines Call for More Reliable Mail Service in Rural Montana

(U.S. Senate) – Senators Jon Tester and Steve Daines are calling on Congress to improve mail service in rural Montana so families can stay connected and businesses can get their products to market.

In a letter to Senate leadership, Tester and Daines also raised concerns over the House’s proposed postal reform bill which they say lacks key service improvements. 

“The United States Postal Service is a critical lifeline throughout our country, connecting loved ones and families, delivering prescription drugs and other critical items, and allowing our businesses to ship products all over the world,” Tester and Daines wrote. “Continued poor mail service hurts rural America, businesses, and our economy.  Congress should take action to preserve and protect the vibrant institution that is our Postal Service so it, in turn, can help our communities and families truly thrive.” 

Tester and Daines are pushing for key provisions to be included in any postal reform legislation that Congress considers: 

  • Making mail delivery more reliable – USPS needs a performance target system to make sure measurements of mail delivery are accurate across the country.  
  • Improving accountability and transparency – USPS must publish performance information online and make a plan to address inefficiencies when goals are not met. 
  • Addressing the fiscal state of the Postal Service – USPS must provide regular updates on a long-term solvency plan that would analyze the Postal Service’s finances and make recommendations regarding affordable service options. 

You can read the Senators’ letter HERE.
