Daines and Tester Continue Push to Increase Timber Volume in Montana Lumber Mills

(Montana)-Senators Steve Daines and Jon Tester are continuing their efforts to increase timber production in Montana and ensure local lumber mills are being treated fairly.

In a letter to U.S. Trade Ambassador Michael Froman, Tester and Daines pushed for a new Softwood Lumber Agreement with Canada. The Softwood Lumber Agreement is needed to keep Canadian lumber exports at or below an agreed upon U.S. market share. Tester and Daines are pushing for a new deal to include volume restrictions, which will provide a competitive market for American lumber.

“A strong lumber industry is essential to the U.S. economy, and securing fair trade in lumber is of critical importance to domestic lumber manufacturers and their workers,” Tester and Daines said. “Subsidized and unfairly traded lumber imports continue to severely harm United States mills, workers and communities.”

Tester and Daines also called on Ambassador Froman to take current market conditions into account when negotiating the new Softwood Lumber Agreement.

The previous Softwood Lumber Agreement expired last October.

Last year, the Montana Congressional delegation met with Canadian trade officials and encouraged them to agree to a new deal to promote a fair marketplace and avoid future litigation.

Tester and Daines’ letter to Ambassador Froman is available HERE.