Daines Announces Nearly $8 Million in Preparedness Funding

U.S. SENATE — U.S. Senator Steve Daines today announced that Montana will receive a total of $7,990,666.00 million in preparedness funding from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).

“It’s critical that we continue to fund our operations centers and law enforcement to ensure that we are fully prepared for when an emergency occurs,” Daines stated. “This additional funding will provide Montana, tribes and our local communities more security.” 

The Tribal Homeland Security Grant Program: $86,636

The program provides funding to eligible tribes to help strengthen the Nation against risks associated with potential terrorist attacks. The intent of the grant is to assist eligible tribes in obtaining the resources required to support the National Preparedness Goal’s Mission Areas and Core Capabilities as they apply to tribal lands.

The Crow Tribe received $86,636 and will use the funds to purchase and install:

  • Stationary Generator at Fire Hall/Emergency Operations Center
  • Mobile Generator-St Xavier Community College 

The Operation Stonegarden Grant Program: $877,630

The program provides Montana $877,630 to enhance cooperation and coordination among local, tribal, territorial, state and federal law enforcement agencies in a joint mission to secure the United States’ borders along routes of ingress from international borders to include travel corridors in states bordering Mexico and Canada, as well as states and territories with international water borders.

Allocation by County:

  • Blaine: $63,370
  • Glacier: $63,370
  • Hill: $68,130
  • Roosevelt: $58,520
  • Phillips: $63,370
  • Sheridan: $79,056
  • Toole: $72,890
  • Richland: $58,610
  • Dawson: $63,370
  • Valley: $63,370
  • Flathead/Kalispell: $120,490
  • Lincoln: $103,354 

The Emergency Management Performance Grant Program: $3,291,900  

In FY 2016, the Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG) Program provides Montana $3,291,900 to assist state, local, and tribal, and territorial governments in preparing for all hazards, as authorized by the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act, as amended (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.). 

The State Homeland Security Grant Program: $3,734,500

The program provides Montana $3,734,500 to support the implementation of state homeland security strategies to address identified planning, organization, equipment, training, and exercise needs to prevent, protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from acts of terrorism and other catastrophic events. 
