KULR8: Montana lawmakers react to oil tax proposal


President Barack Obama will propose $10-per-barrel charge on oil to fund clean transportation projects as part of his final budget request next week. While some in Washington are applauding the president’s proposal, some Montana lawmakers have a different opinion.

Senator Steve Daines and Congressman Ryan Zinke are slamming the president’s proposal, and Senator Jon Tester says the proposal won’t go anywhere.

Zinke’s statement reads, in part, “too many Montana families are living on the brink, trying to figure out how to pay for groceries, rent, heat and gas.” He said he wants to grow the economy, become energy independent and “lift the entire nation up,” which he says he’s fighting for in congress.

Daines said “this is yet another step in President Obama’s anti-energy agenda and further proof he’s more concerned about cementing his failed legacy than standing with the hard working Montana families.”

Senator Jon Tester added, “the president’s proposal isn’t going anywhere, so in the meantime, congress must focus on supporting Montana’s all-of-the-above energy economy.”

 Some of the Obama administration’s proposals, including the Clean Power Plan, have faced quite a bit of opposition at the federal and state levels. This proposed oil tax would have to clear the Republican-controlled Congress, which, historically speaking, would be difficult.