Daines, Forbes Highlight Resolution to Celebrate Religious Freedom Day

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines (R-MT) and Representative Randy Forbes (R-VA) today highlighted their resolution to celebrate and reaffirm the role of religious freedom as a fundamental human and Constitutional right. 

The resolution recognizes the 230th anniversary of the enactment of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom and commemorates January 16, 2016 as Religious Freedom Day by an act of Congress. The Virginia Statue for Religious Freedom was authored by Thomas Jefferson and served as the model for the Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment. 

“America sets the standard across the globe for upholding the fundamental human right to hold and practice our beliefs,” Daines stated. “Religious Freedom Day serves to remind every American that we are all free to live and work in accordance with our religious beliefs, without fear of government restrictions. With all the international and domestic unrest our society faces, this resolution reminds our country that for 230 years, we have stood strong for religious freedom and will continue doing so. Our founding documents will continue to endure and stand the test of time.” 

“As a Virginian and a former member of the Virginia General Assembly, I am proud of the legacy that Thomas Jefferson’s Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom has given to our nation,” Forbes stated. “For over 200 years, the American people have sought to protect the fundamental human right of religious freedom both at home and around the world. Today, it is critical that we continue to unite to protect this right for people of all faiths and no faith.  This Resolution reminds us of the many times throughout our history when Congress or the President have acted to reinforce the idea that religious freedom is central to a free society.”

The full text of the resolution is available here.
