Daines Applauds SEMPER FI Provisions in NDAA

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today applauded a provision included in the National Defense Authorization Act that allows military officers the ability to carry weapons at military recruitment centers. 

The NDAA conference report, agreed to by the House and Senate conference committee, includes a provision that mirrors Daines’ legislation,  the Securing Military Personnel Response Firearm Initiative (SEMPER FI) Act.  

“The fastest way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. I’m glad that our men and women in uniform will be able to protect and defend themselves,” Daines stated. “Our military recruiters should be able to defend themselves while doing their job— making sure that we maintain the most effective fighting force in the history of mankind. ” 

The SEMPER FI Act would allow military to authorize recruiters to be armed when they’re at recruitment centers or allows them to improve structural security at recruitment centers. The bill also limits the carrying of a sidearm to officers and non-commissioned officers. 
