Daines Slams EPA Waters of the U.S. Power Grab

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Senator Steve Daines today slammed the newly released Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) “Waters of the United States” rule as a direct threat to Montana’s agriculture and natural resources industries, jobs and water rights:

“Once again, the Obama administration is pushing forward its extreme agenda with little regard for its devastating impacts on Montanans. By expanding the EPA’s powers to regulate virtually any spot across the country that is occasionally wet, this new rule has the potential to cripple Montana’s agriculture and natural resources industries, hurt Montana jobs and threaten Montanans’ property rights. Montanans who live and work on the land every day know how to best manage our state’s resources – not federal bureaucrats in Washington who want to regulate every pond, puddle, and ditch in our state. I’ll continue working to stop the EPA’s overreach and protect Montana jobs and Montana agriculture and natural resources.”
