Daines Sworn in as Montana’s New U.S. Senator

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Steve Daines was sworn in today as Montana’s junior Senator for the 114th Congress, becoming the first Republican to hold the seat in more than a hundred years.

Daines officially took the oath of office alongside fellow Senators at approximately 12:00 p.m. EST in the Senate Chamber. He was escorted into the Senate Chamber by senior Montana Senator Jon Tester.

As he did while taking the oath of office for the House in 2013, Daines held a Bible owned by his grandfather who resided in Ledger, Montana during the early 1900s.

Later in the afternoon, Daines will take the oath individually from Vice President Joe Biden at a ceremonial swearing-in.

Hardworking Montana families deserve independent leadership that puts Montanans and their values first. I will be a strong, independent voice for the people of Montana and, as our state’s new U.S. Senator, I will always work to ensure Montanans’ interests are represented in Washington,” Daines said. “I look forward to working for all Montanans and fighting for commonsense solutions that help create good-paying middle class jobs and make government more efficient, accountable and effective.”

Daines was joined in Washington, D.C. by his parents, wife and four children. A small reception, attended by family members, friends and Montanans will also be held following the swearing-in ceremonies.

As Montana’s new U.S. Senator, Daines is already working to move forward policies that will help grow good-paying Montana jobs, reduce senseless government overreach and change Washington’s broken culture.

Daines recently announced that he would sign onto legislation to approve construction of the Keystone XL pipeline, a top priority in the new Congress. The Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources will hold a hearing on the bill this Wednesday.

Daines has also been working to develop comprehensive timber reform legislation to create Montana jobs, improve recreational access and fulfill the federal government’s century-old promise to our forested counties to provide sustainable revenues for their schools and roads.

Daines was recently selected to serve on the Senate Committees for Energy and Natural Resources, Commerce, Indian Affairs and Appropriations.
