Daines Helps Secure Permanent Reauthorization of LWCF in Bipartisan Energy Bill

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Senator Steve Daines today released the following statement on the Energy Policy Modernization Act of 2015, bipartisan legislation from the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee that will permanently reauthorize the Land and Water Conservation Fund:

“As Montana’s sole member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, I’m pleased that the Committee has reached a bipartisan solution to permanently reauthorize LWCF. LWCF is an important program for Montana that helps expand access to our public lands. I’m excited to finally take this significant step forward to ensure that this critical program remains in place for generations to come.”

The Energy Policy Modernization Act of 2015 will be marked up in the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee next week. 

Daines is a cosponsor of S.338 bipartisan legislation sponsored by Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) to secure a permanent solution for LWCF. Daines is only the Republican member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee to cosponsor S.338.

Daines has been actively working to secure funding for LWCF. Daines successfully included an amendment in this year’s Interior, Environment and Related Agencies Appropriations Act to increase LWCF programs by nearly $14 million, bringing the overall total funding for LWCF to the FY2015 enacted level of $306 million.

Additionally, Daines has consistently championed LWCF both in the House and the Senate. Daines recently sent a letter to Interior Appropriations leaders urging for full and robust funding for LWCF. Daines’ letter is available here
